Tel Aviv/Zurich, 12 July 2011 – SHL Telemedicine Ltd. (SIX Swiss Exchange: SHLTN), a leading provider and developer of advanced personal telemedicine solutions, has published the invitation to its Annual General Meeting to be held on August 10, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. (Israel Time), at the Company’s registered office, located at 90 Yigal Alon Street, Ashdar Building, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
One of the items on the agenda is the proposed change of the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Subject to his re-election as a director, Mr. Elon Shalev is to be elected as the new Chairman of the Board of Directors, effective as of the AGM. He is planned to suit Mr. Yoram Alroy who, subject to his re-election as a director, would continue to serve on the Board for another term.
Elon Shalev is the co-founder of SHL and has served as a director of SHL since its inception in 1987. From 1990 to 1993, he was SHL’s Chief Operating Officer. Mr. Shalev was the founder of Channel 2 news in Israel and from 1993 to 1995 served as its CEO. From 1996 to 1999, he was Editor in Chief of “Yediot Aharonot”, the largest daily newspaper in Israel and from 2000-2001 he was an Executive Vice President of Discount Investment Corporation Ltd. of the IDB group, one of the largest investment and holding companies in Israel. Mr. Shalev is currently a private entrepreneur in the telecom market and is the Chairman and co-founder of Logia Ltd., a global provider of innovative mobile content solutions. In addition, Mr. Shalev serves as a senior advisor to the Saban Capital Group and served as a Board member in several large and well known Israeli firms like Bezeq (the Israeli national telecommunications provider), Yes (a multi channel satellite broadcast company) and Bezeq International (a long distance telecommunications provider). Mr. Shalev holds a BA degree in Political Science from the University of Tel-Aviv, Israel. Nationality: Israeli. Age: 60.