Tel Aviv / Zurich, May 3, 2018 – SHL Telemedicine Ltd. (SIX Swiss Exchange: SHLTN,) (“SHL”), a leading provider and developer of advanced personal telemedicine solutions, announced that at the Special General Meeting of the Shareholders which was held today in Tel-Aviv, Israel, none of the candidates for the position of Independent (External) Director was elected and therefore, under Israeli law, the Company will have to convene another Special General Meeting on the agenda of which shall be to appoint same. The attending shareholders approved the issuance of options to the future appointed Independent (External) Director. None of the other items on the SGM agenda, being the amendment of the Company’s Compensation Policy, the terms and conditions of employment of the Company’s Chief Executive Officer (including the issuance of options), and a one-time bonus grant to the former CEO was approved.
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