Tel Aviv / Zurich, 12 May 2017 – SHL Telemedicine Ltd. (SIX Swiss Exchange: SHLTN,
OTCPK: SMDCY) (“SHL”), a leading provider and developer of advanced personal telemedicine
solutions, announced that at the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders which was held
yesterday in Tel-Aviv, Israel, the following members of the Board were elected: Mr. Yi He, Prof.
Amir Lerman (re-appointed), Mr. Elon Shalev (re-appointed), Mr. Cailong Su, Mr. Xuewen Wu
and Ms. Shenlu Xu. These directors will serve until the next annual general meeting of the
shareholders of the Company. None of the candidates for the position of external (independent)
director was elected due to the fact that at the AGM it was resolved, based on Mrs. Cai Mengke
and Himalaya Assets votes in this AGM, to reclassify these shareholders despite their
declarations, and consider them as being deemed controlling shareholders acting in concert,
thus, pursuant to Israeli law, not counting their votes with respect to the only external candidate
who has met the first condition of majority vote. Therefore, since under Israeli law, a public
company is required to appoint two (2) such directors, the newly appointed board of directors
will have to reconvene as soon as practicable to convene a special general meeting the agenda
of which shall be to appoint same. Mr. Erez Alroy terminated his service as a director as of the
Annual General Meeting. Also, the attending shareholders approved all other items on the AGM
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