with St. Jude Medical GmbH. Serious rhythm dysfunctions can cause sudden death which can be prevented by implanted cardioverter-defibrillators. The ICD is smaller than a matchbox and when recognizing rhythm disorders delivers an electric shock, bringing the heart beat back to the right rhythm
Patients with ICD’s need to check the device every three months.
With the Housecall PlusTM system by St. Jude Medical and the PHTS ICD monitoring platform, patients will be able to carry out this routine inspection from the comfort of their home, via telephone.
Furthermore, whenever the ICD has delivered an electric shock and it is deemed necessary to control the function of the device and the nature of the rhythm disorder data is transferred to the telemedicine call centre of PHTS in Dusseldorf and immediately evaluated. This telemedicine service complements the medical care provided by clinics and cardiologists.
“Patients have a contact person at the telemedicine centre around the clock, 365 days a year and can make sure at any time that their defibrillator works properly”, says Professor Harald Korb, medical director of PHTS. “For critically ill cardiac patients it is a great plus in terms of comfort if they can control the ICD from home. This conveys a feeling of safety which can contribute to stabilization and overall state of health.”
In case of a life threatening dysfunction the telemedicine centre of PHTS in Dusseldorf sets in motion emergency protocols. Furthermore, the doctors in charge receive the ICD monitoring protocols and reports from the PHTS telemedicine centre informing them of the state of the ICD and the nature of the recorded rhythm disorder.
SHL’s U.S. subsidiary, Raytel Cardiac Services, and St. Jude Medical have been working together successfully for more than a year. “Extending the cooperation to Germany is an important step for us in order to make the benefits of telemedicine accessible to patients and health organizations in this country”, said Eyal Lewin,general manager of PHTS Telemedizin.
Christoph Stöppler, general manager of St. Jude Medical adds: “We are convinced that the joint services of St. Jude Medical with the Housecall PlusTM System and the ICD monitoring platform of PHTS will define the future. We exploit the advantages of technological development, and by monitoring and evaluating ICD’s we contribute to enhancing the quality of life and safety of seriously ill cardiac patients”.
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