PHTS Telemedizin, through its monitoring centre based in Dusseldorf, will provide these patients suffering from chronic heart illnesses improved care around the clock.
Some of the PHTS Telemedizin partners in this integrated care solution are: IKK Nord, IKK-Direkt, Deutscher Hausärzteverband, Landesverband Schleswig-Holstein, Ärztegenossenschaft Schleswig-Holstein eG, 4K-Verbund der Kliniken Medizinisches Zentrum Klinikum Itzehoe, Westküstenkliniken Heide und Brunsbüttel gGmbH, FEK
Friedrich-Ebert-Krankenhaus Neumünster GmbH, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig- Holstein Kiel and Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein Lubeck .
Eyal Lewin, Managing Director of PHTS Telemedizin, comments: “Schleswig-Holstein’s vast territory is well suited for the application of cardiac telemedicine solutions and I am confident in our ability to improve the quality of care for the chronically ill.”
Erez Alroy, Co-CEO of SHL Telemedicine, adds: “We are very pleased with the development in the German market. The cooperation with the health community in Schleswig-Holstein emphasizes PHTS Telemedizin’s leading position in the German telemedicine market and its continuing growth and progress. The goal of this contract
is to improve the quality of care and quality of life for chronically ill heart patients and at the same time achieve better cost-efficiency.”
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